Ever since that first day I awoke to the most pitiful sight I could ever imagine that still hasn’t gone away. From a distance in the tree tops it don’t look as bad, but when I went down to get some water it was so horrible. This oil spill is getting out of control. There’s no clean water and food. It’s so deep that all of the animals, insects, and other creatures are dying every day because of the contaminated water. It’s so bad that it’s killed over 300 of my kind. It’s been going on for over a month just because of selfish humans. All they care about is money and they don’t stop to notice how there careless actions affect us, but they’ll realize soon enough because it’s going to affect them too. Soon all of them that are close will run out of clean water and will wish that they would have taken the time to help stop this oil spill. If humans weren’t such inconsiderate and irresponsible creatures maybe none of us would be in a mess like this. Well I’m going to get back to trying some food, but in the mean time try to convince humans to help.