Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bucket List

Things I want to accomplish in my life time

  1. Go and graduate from college

  2. Travel around the world

  3. Get married

  4. Have four kids before I'm 30

  5. Become a nurse

  6. Learn to drive a motorcycle

  7. Go horseback riding

  8. Get in shape

  9. Learn how to figure skate

  10. Learn to play the guitar

  11. Learn Spanish/Latin dances

  12. Go in a plane

  13. Go on a cruise in a boat

  14. Go to France and the U.K.

  15. Swim with dolphins

  16. Say "hi" to random people

  17. Fall in love

  18. Dye my hair red

  19. Be rich

  20. Stay BFF with all my BFF's

  21. Save a life

  22. Jump from a cliff into water

  23. Dance in the rain

  24. Go in a submarine

  25. Have a star named after me
The list above are the 25 most important things that I want to accomplish in my life time before I die. I had to think about all of them very carefully before I decided which ones I should put. I'm not sure in what order I want them to happen in, but I know for sure that I can accomplish #1-#5 very soon.
These things are important to me because they are my personal goals. Maybe to some people some of my goals probably sound funny, but to me they are special. One of my goals is to graduate and go to college. I feel that if I don't I won't get very far in life and I won't be successful. Also if I don't I won't be able to become a nurse. I also want to get married and have a family of my own and I hope to have at least two girls and two boys.
Another thing that I've always wanted to do is travel. I've never been out of New Mexico and I just want to get out and go new places. one place in particular is France and the U.K. I've read and have learned so much about these places and they seem like a very interesting place that I would like to travel to. I also want to travel to other places to see different animals, meet new people, and see different environments.
My other personal goals are to learn how to play the guitar. I might not be good at it, but I know I'll have fun trying. Ever since I was little I would watch the Winter Olympic games on TV. My favorite has always been figure skating and my two favorite figure skaters are Michelle Kwan and Kristi Yamaguchi. By watching them I have always dreamed about being able to ice skate. There are a few other things that I want to accomplish like learning how to dance to Spanish/Latin dances.
Some of the other things are just things that I want to do for fun. For example, jumping off a cliff and into the water. I'm the type of person who likes to take risks and just likes to have a lot of fun trying new things. Just like talking to random people, going in a submarine, and going to swim with dolphins. I also think that it would be great to learn to drive a motorcycle or a dirt bike. Another idea that I've had is to have a star named after me because I think that it would be really cool.
Dancing in the rain would be an awesome experience. I love to walk in the rain, but I've never danced. Even though I get told to stay inside it doesn't stop me from going. Falling in love is something that might take awhile, but I hope it happens. Also one thing that I hope will never end is my friendship with all of my three best friends. We have gone through so much for years and we've become unbreakable and inseparable and I hope it's like that for ever.
In conclusion, these are the 25 things that I would want to accomplish in my life time before I die. Sometimes you get an opportunity to do something, but sometimes you don't get a second chance. So when mine come I won't even think twice about doing it.