Monday, June 14, 2010

Unique Essay

I know that I am a unique individual person and that there are certain things that make me different from other people. I have many unique talents and gifts. I am not afraid to be myself and I do not like to be categorized into certain groups. Besides I think that it would be very boring if we were all the same and that we should like the fact that we are different from everyone else.

I love to draw and write poetry. I love variety because I can just like one certain things. For example, if there was only one flower with the same color, even it would be considered plain and boring. A garden wouldn't look right to me if there weren't different flowers in it. I'm also the type of person who gives chances and doesn't judge. I love to try new food from different cultures and other countries.

I like all types of music too... all the way from country to rock and everything in between. Some people don't like the music that I listen to and decide that they don't like me, but not even then I still won't change. I like being myself and I can care less of what others have to say and think of me.