Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My Scary Story

The bell rings and I gather up all my work and start heading towards the cafeteria. I get my tray and go sit at a table by myself. Then some of my friends come and sit by me. I'm not that hungry and I play around with my food. Patricia asks me if I'm ok, but i just say I'm fine... even though I know I'm not. The memory starts coming back to me... three months ago... Cassie and Andrew... the tears... the blood..., then suddenly I'm back to reality by Patricia's voice asking me what I'm doing after school. I say that I'm busy and I have to help my mom, but I told her we could hang out Friday.

Lunch is over and I start to head to my locker. I grab my notebook for Biology and English and head to class. I get to class, go to my seat, put my ipod on, and put my head down. When I get to English I find out that we're going to the library. I walk through the rows of books and just skim over the titles as I pass by. Then all of a sudden out of no where a book falls off the shelf and lands by my feet and I hear giggles of a girl, but no ones there. The cover of the book says"I Miss You" and it has a red rose and a blue butterfly on it... Cassie always liked those things. Well class goes by fast and I can't wait to get home so I hurry to get in my car.

As I walk through the door my mom starts asking me how my day was and I just say that it was ok and I just go to my room. I throw my back pack on my chair and collapse on my bed and crash out. I wake up startled by a quiet laugh. I rub my eyes and look around. I notice that my back pack is on the floor and I know that I put it on my chair. When I look at the chair I can't believe my eyes.. it's Cassie sitting on my chair. I close my eyes because I think I'm dreaming, but when I open them she's still there smiling at me. She starts talking to me and I think I'm going crazy.

Memories and flashbacks are going through my head now. Three months ago I drove to her brother's house over the summer to go visit her. She had been really depressed with her boyfriend and for about a year. He would leave her, cheat on her, and other things and she still stayed with him. Anyways when I got to the house the door was wide open. Right away I had a bad feeling and I knew something was wrong, so I went in side. When I walked into the living room I came upon the most horrible sight ever. Andrew was on the floor, his shirt was covered with blood and I saw a hole where a bullet had made a mark. Then I saw Cassie a few feet away and I rushed to her side. She had her hands rapped around a knife that stuck in her side. I asked her what happened and she said that her boyfriend and her brother had gotten into a fight and then her boyfriend shot Andrew. She told me that she stabbed herself because she couldn't live without Andrew and she told me that her boyfriend will pay for what he did. Then she died, right in my arms. Tears came pouring from my eyes and I ended up running out of the house and going back home. I didn't even remember getting into my car.

The was the last time I saw her and now I'm looking at her and she's in my room sitting on my chair. The only thing that isn't making any sense is why did she come back. By her being here it felt like nothing had ever changed and as if she never died. We started talking and then I asked her why she came back... it was for revenge to get back at her boyfriend for killing her brother. I never knew her for having feelings of hatred like this for anyone. I thought that she meant that she would torture or haunt him, but what shocked me the most is that she wanted him to die.
She let me go to sleep and when I woke scared. I know she was my best friend, but I'm scared of her. For some reason I felt sick to my stomach so didn't go to school. I went in the living room and turned on the TV and watched the news. My whole body froze with fear. They said that a 17 year old boy was killed early this morning and that police are trying to figure out what killed him. It scared me so much that I asked all the people that I've done wrong to forgive me, because I wouldn't want them to come back and kill me.